Support Letter & Report Request


Please use this form to submit a request for a support letter or report, even if you’ve spoken to your clinician about the request. We ask that all requests are submitted via this from, so it can be added to the document queue and an invoice generated. We may contact you if additional information is required. Please provide your psychologist with a minimum of 2 weeks to complete your request.


Support Letter and Report Request Form

To ensure accuracy, treatment reports and support letters can only be prepared by your clinician if you have attended 3 or more appointments.

A fee of $200 per hour is charged for your psychologist’s clinical expertise and time taken to prepare reports and support letters. A one page letter typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour, so costs between $100 to $200. Comprehensive or assessment reports typically take 4 to 8 hours of work. Medicare rebates are not available for reports or support letters.

Reports and support letters will take a minimum of two weeks from the date of request. Our clinicians all work part time and spend most of their working hours in sessions with clients. We require two weeks notice to book the document preparation into their schedule, balancing this with requests from clients needing extra or early appointments. This timeframe may also be impacted by annual leave, sick leave, or other client reports and emergencies.